If you didn't know, Mr. T was battling with cancer for a while before it went into remission, but he's not letting that stop him. He has a new reality show coming on TV Land. Nooo, it's not the A-Team reunion. LOL. It's his own show called
I Pity The Fool. Who wouldn't have thought of that. Well, the show will have Mr. T going to diffeent states and countries helping people. Yeah, I'm lost too. On the preview I saw, he goes to help a father and son of a car dealership regain a positive relationship between each other. I guess he's the black version of Dr. Phil. The show premiere's on October 11th and don't look forward to seeing any new gold rope chains. When the ex-bouncer seen how the people effected by Hurricane Katrina were in great loss, he decided that it wouldn't be right to wear them and glorify material things. He stopped wearing them and donated a great amount of money to the Katrina victims. I wonder if he pawned those chains, but I doubt it. Be on the look out for his show. I probably will watch it once.
Muah for your forehead...
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