Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Take A Mental Guess Of How Old This Man Is!!!!!!

Happy Belated Birthday Emiliano Mercado del Toro. Damn, I'm tired from typing out his long name. Lol. Can you guess how old he is? He's the worlds's oldest person. I don't know if that's a totally good thing. Knowing that most people or obviously all the people you grew up with are all gone. But despite any of his losses, including his hair, teeth, vision and independent leg mobility, he has won the Guinness Book of World Records. This is a picture of Emiliano's birthday party in Puerto Rico, where he lives. I can't tell whether or not he's smiling but he says, "I feel happy." He tells his secret to staying alive for so long. "I never damaged my body with liquor." Though he brags of not being a lush, he was a smoker but kicked that habit at 76 years old. I guess it is never too late to quit. I know, I know, you are still wondering how old he is. Okaaaaay, I will tell you. Drum role Please!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that guessed one hundred and fifteen, was correct. This man is that old and still living. Happy Belated Emiliano.
Muah for your forehead...


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