I just want to address these rumors of Solange and Lil Wayne being a couple. This rumor has been spreading ugly this week. Today on my daily commute to work, I tuned into Power 105.1 and Egypt was pouring fire on the gas with her additions to the rumored story. She said, "They say that during Lil Wayne and Trina's relationship, Trina had 2 miscarriages and that's what caused friction between them." She went on to say that, "Solange is trying to divorce her husband." Well, I never understood why celebrities recycle partners. Is that cool? There are trillions of men and women out there and you celebs choose to recycle them. Yuck! What about the sound people or the backstage behind the scenes people? Why can't you date them? If rumors are true about Trina having miscarriages, I feel bad for her. She's probably getting the ugly end of the stick. Solange now, I knew that that marriage wasn't going to last. I always thought that it was planned. Here you have the perfect Knowles family and teenage Solange comes up pregnant. The only thing to shine the light on something other than the teen pregnancy issue is to propose marriage. So instead of headlines saying, "Solange.... Teen Pregnancy" it said "Solange Getting Married And Expecting." Come on, Solange's husband couldn't afford a wedding ring. He was a high school athlete. Who do you think bought the ring?That Matthew Knowles is so smart. He really understands the business. Either way, I think that they're relationship will not last for long. I don't see him fitting in with the goodie goodie Knowles family. Matthew isn't having it. He's not going to let Weezy mess up what he has going with Beyonce. Lol...
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